



Eco Club AABBV Eco club in a school plays an important role in creating environmental awareness among the future generation. The Eco club will help develop necessary skills in the school Children that would help them identify and solve prevalent environmental problems.
It will also bring them closure to the nature. Now a days Eco Club has become an integral part of the school and primary aim is to generate environmental consciousness among school children. We at AABBV have planted 200 Snake Plants in our school and the uniqueness of the particular plant is that it is one of the very few plant that can convert Carbon Di Oxide into oxygen at night as well. They are known for their abilty to absorb toxic air pollutant ,cancer causing pollutants .
It can also be an effective defence against air born allergies. We have also talk our student some effective ways management technique and ill effects of single use plastics.
Students have been encouraged to spread this message amongst their peers and family members. Students at the Eco Club have develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment.
These student in the coming future will be the leaders of the nation. Acquainting them with the best practices today will bear fruits in the future. At the Eco Club we aspire for a cleaner and a greener future by empowering today’s young mind.
This session the school has taken many strides in the field of Horticulture. Never before, so many plants have been planted in the pots and open area.
. At least 100 sansevieria have been planted in different locations. The school has also arranged a number of Aprajita, MadhUMalti and Champa plants. All this has been done by the Eco club.